
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

New Android Malware Called FluBot Is Stealing Passwords

There's a new malware threat you need to be aware of, and it recently made its way onto the UK's National Cyber Security Centre's radar. Called FluBot, it is designed to steal information including passwords and banking particulars. There are a couple of interesting...

4G Internet Is Headed To The Moon

NASA has big ambitions to put 4G internet on the moon, and has tasked Nokia with turning their dream into a reality. It seems like the next logical step, really, since 4G has basically conquered planet earth. It can even be found on offshore oil rigs and atop Mount...

Hackers Delivering And Hiding Malware While Undetected

Last year, Google made some important changes to their Chrome browser in a bid to increase user security. Among these changes was to default to "HTTPS" in the browser in an attempt to reduce the number of "man in the middle" and similar types of attacks. Their...

Ficker Malware Tricks People To Get Their Passwords

Jiri Kropac, the head of ESET's Threat Detection Labs, recently reported a new malware campaign to be aware of. This one is a bit different in terms of methodology. Hackers most commonly employ emails utilizing various social engineering tricks in an attempt to lure...

New Devices May Not Use Default Passwords

You know how, when you buy a new router to set up a home network, it comes with a default password like 'Admin,' which you have to remember to change? If you don't, you run the risk of having your new network breached with ease. Good news, that's a step closer to...

Hackers Might Guess Your Passwords Easier Than You Thought

Password security has long been a thorn in the side of IT Security Professionals. It's easy enough to understand why. Passwords are inconvenient from the perspective of users, which is why they tend to keep them as simple as possible, so they can remember them. On the...

Latest Windows 10 Update Replaces Edge Legacy With Chromium Edge

It's no secret that Microsoft has struggled where web browsers are concerned. Internet Explorer was basically a security-riddled disaster and was eventually retired for that very reason. The company's next attempt was Microsoft Edge, but unfortunately, it never gained...

Update Adobe Now For Several Critical Security Updates

Adobe continues to work at a feverish pace to address critical security vulnerabilities in its product line. Their most recent patch addresses a total of ten security flaws across the following four products: Photoshop Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Bridge RoboHelp Of...

Security Is Top Priority In Latest Chrome Build

Back in February, Google began experimenting with a new feature that defaulted all URLs to use "https:" rather than the less secure "http:." While defaulting to the secure socket layer isn't ironclad protection for 'netizins, it's certainly a step in the right...

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