
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Why KPIs Are the Secret Sauce to Your Business Success

Ever feel like you’re working super hard but not seeing the results you want? We've all been there, and it can be really frustrating. That’s where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) come into play. Think of KPIs as your business’s secret sauce – they can help you zero...

The Ultimate VoIP Q&A Guide

Looking to improve your business communications? Here’s our ultimate VoIP guide. Find out how VoIP phones can improve your business today!

Malware Called Phorpiex Delivers Ransomware With Old School Tactics

If you're involved with internet security on any level, then you're probably already familiar with the name Phorpiex. The malicious botnet has been around for years, and the people who control it have taken steps to keep it relevant. They're finding new ways to...

Consider Replacing Your Old Broadband Routers For Security

A company named 'UK security Watchdog, Which?' recently released a report with some disturbing security ramifications. Based on a survey of more than 6000 UK households, the company identified 13 different older routers that are still regularly being used today. Of...

New Android Malware Called FluBot Is Stealing Passwords

There's a new malware threat you need to be aware of, and it recently made its way onto the UK's National Cyber Security Centre's radar. Called FluBot, it is designed to steal information including passwords and banking particulars. There are a couple of interesting...

Ficker Malware Tricks People To Get Their Passwords

Jiri Kropac, the head of ESET's Threat Detection Labs, recently reported a new malware campaign to be aware of. This one is a bit different in terms of methodology. Hackers most commonly employ emails utilizing various social engineering tricks in an attempt to lure...

What Businesses Can Do To Minimize Phishing Emails

If you had to guess, worldwide, how many phishing emails would you estimate are sent out every day, what would you say? If you guessed anything less than three billion, you'd be incorrect. Three billion a day, on average. That's both terrifying and depressing. On...

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