If you're one of the legions of users who rely on Google's Chrome browser when you surf the web, we've got great news. As of the release of Chrome 91, it's about to get a whole lot faster. The engineers behind Chrome's continued improvement have found a clever 'cheat'...
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.
Hackers Delivering And Hiding Malware While Undetected
Last year, Google made some important changes to their Chrome browser in a bid to increase user security. Among these changes was to default to "HTTPS" in the browser in an attempt to reduce the number of "man in the middle" and similar types of attacks. Their...
Security Is Top Priority In Latest Chrome Build
Back in February, Google began experimenting with a new feature that defaulted all URLs to use "https:" rather than the less secure "http:." While defaulting to the secure socket layer isn't ironclad protection for 'netizins, it's certainly a step in the right...
HTTPS Becomes Default For Google Chrome For Added Security
For the last month or so, Google has been testing the notion of using HTTPS as the default protocol for all URLs a user types into the address bar. Those who have been experimenting with Chrome's latest Canary build have already seen the new feature in action, and the...
Memory Savings Improvements Makes Windows 10 Google Chrome Faster
If you're a Google Chrome user, and you're interested in maximizing the overall performance of your system, then Google's recent announcement about their browser is sure to make you smile. The release of Chrome 89 includes enhancements design to make it run notably...
Internet Browsers Blocking Some Ports Due To Security Vulnerabilities
If you rely on TCP port 554, you'll probably want to do a bit of reconfiguration. Last year, security researchers discovered a new version of the NAT Slipstream vulnerability that allowed hackers to deploy malicious scripts in order to bypass a website visitor's NAT...
Google To Add Password Breach Prevention Feature To Android
If you're a Google Chrome user, then you've probably already used or at least seen the Password Checkup feature in action. It's the little popup box you see when you type in a password to a website that requires a login and Chrome detects that the password has been...
Music Searches On Google Desktop Got A Helpful Update
These days, smart devices seem to get the lion's share of developer time and attention, but Google has recently made a few changes to their desktop search that have made entries easier to read. Initially, the company rolled out the changes for preview on any search...
New Chrome Update Version Removes Flash And FTP
On January 19th, 2021, Google released a new Chrome version--Chrome 88. The most notable part of this release is the removal of the Adobe Flash Player and FTP features. FTP Removal Google removed support for FTP in the Chrome browser because usage is significantly low...
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