
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Keep Your Kids Safe with Circle

My kids are online, and I’m sure that many of your children are as well. There are a great number of choices when it comes to monitoring Internet activity for your home. I have implemented solutions for clients and their families that work, but weren’t simple to...

Prince: A Strong Case for Physical Media

I appreciate music. I was one of those people that owned hundreds of CDs in the 80’s and 90’s, then started down the path of digital music in the late 90’s with MP3. By the time the iPhone came out in 2007, I had jumped in with both feet into the Apple ecosystem and...

Plan Your Trip With Furkot

One of my fondest memories as a kid was a cross-country family road trip, Griswold-style, to destinations like the Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns, Petrified Forest, Dinosaur Monument, and stops in between. I must have been 10 or 11; we took our VW mini-bus pop-up...

Net Neutrality is Here

On February 26, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the policy more commonly known as “Net Neutrality”. This changes the way that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can regulate the Internet traffic that passes through their connections to their...

Driving a Wi-Fi Network

Being able to “stay connected” while traveling can be a crucial requirement for some people. For others, having an Internet connection to browse the web, watch videos, and play games might not be a necessity, but can be a big help when facing hours of highway...


Last week, the Internet hype factory exploded with the news that a number of female celebrities had been hacked; with the contents (most notably photographs) being pilfered from their iCloud backups. Of course, the photos that are getting the attention of everyone are...

Shipping + Streaming = Amazon Prime

Like most, I do a bit of shopping online. Amazon is one of the premier Internet websites for finding nearly anything and everything you want to buy, and they get a fair bit of business from me on a monthly basis. I’m a frugal guy, so when I’m offered upgraded shipping...

Make Your Facebook Experience Better

I spend a decent amount of time on Facebook. I follow a great variety of companies and news outlets, not to mention managing business pages, so that Facebook serves as a platform to educate others and myself. It’s also fun to see pictures of cats and “selfies”. These...

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