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Soon, Windows 10 Releases Will Not Include Internet Explorer

The latest Windows Insider Preview build contains a quirky bit of history, or rather, it specifically doesn't contain it. That most recent Windows 10 build is the first one ever to be released without the Internet Explorer web browser included in the code. Both...

Windows 10 To Get Several New Features

Recently, Microsoft announced that later this year, Windows 10 will get a significant update to be called Windows 10 Version 21H2, which will feature a significant number of updates and enhancements. Among other things, these updates will include a couple of aesthetic...

New RevengeRAT Trojan Gives Hackers Access To Your Data

Recently, Microsoft issued an alert, warning users about a remote access tool called RevengeRAT, also known as AsyncRAT. It is being used to target travel and aerospace companies with spear-phishing emails. The emails use social engineering tricks to prompt employees...

Microsoft Edge Browser Gets Fix For Crashing Issue

Earlier this month, Microsoft Edge users were in an uproar, with significant numbers of them reporting that the browser would lock up when they were watching YouTube videos or reading comments on YouTube videos. The browser would simply become non-responsive, and...

Some Versions Of Windows 10 Will Stop Receiving Security Updates

On the heels of the May 2021 Patch Tuesday release, Microsoft has flagged certain versions of Windows 10 that will no longer receive security updates. These include versions 1803, 1809, and 1909. If you're currently using any of those, you'll want to update to a later...

Default Windows Font May Change With Windows 10 Update

Microsoft has a history of being notoriously slow to change. Just to cite one example, the company's venerable "Paint" application has been in the mix since the earliest days of Windows. Although it was relatively feature-poor and under-powered even back when it was...

Microsoft Edge Will Redirect Users To HTTPS Secure Sites

If you're a Microsoft Edge user, be aware. Beginning in July, with the release of Edge 92, the browser will automatically redirect users to a secure HTTPS connection any time they visit a website via the HTTP protocol. Microsoft is not alone in this, and in fact, is...

Latest Windows 10 Update Replaces Edge Legacy With Chromium Edge

It's no secret that Microsoft has struggled where web browsers are concerned. Internet Explorer was basically a security-riddled disaster and was eventually retired for that very reason. The company's next attempt was Microsoft Edge, but unfortunately, it never gained...

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