
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Garmin Experiences Ransomware Attack Causing Global Outage

Do you make use of a Garmin wearable device? If so, then you've probably noticed that your device isn't working the way you expect it to. That's because the company is experiencing what there are now describing as a global outage. The notification on the company's...

Corporate Internet Users Watch Out For Conti Ransomware

Although you may not be familiar with the name, a strain of ransomware called "Conti" is surging in popularity on the Dark Web and seeing a rapidly growing number of installations, so it's definitely one to be on guard against. Advanced intel's Vitali Kremez has been...

Pirated Mac Applications Could Contain ThiefQuest Ransomware

If you have one or more illegal copies of Apple software on your Mac, be aware that there's a new threat to be concerned about. An info-stealing, data wiping malware strain known as ThiefQuest has been found embedded in torrents of illicit software written for macOS....

Thanos Ransomware May Get Around Certain Security Systems

In 2019, a new strain of ransomware called Thanos burst onto the scene and has since been spreading quietly and seeing increased adoption by hackers around the world. The code has been traced to a Russian hacker going by the name Nosophorus, who has been offering the...

PonyFinal Is Another New Ransomware To Watch Out For

Microsoft recently issued a security advisory about a new strain of ransomware that's been cropping up with increasing frequency in India, Iran and the US. Called PonyFinal, one of the things that differentiates this strain from the pack is that it's deployed in what...

Monetary Demands Are Skyrocketing For Ransomware Decryptions

Ransomware attacks have evolved quite a lot over the course of the past year, and have become one of the most visible threats organizations of all sizes face. That is, based on recently published research conducted by Group-IB, which analyzed the rapidly changing...

Hackers Are Demanding Extra Ransomware Payments From Victims

Hackers who use ransomware to conduct their attacks have a new trick up their sleeves. A ransomware family has begun employing the tactic of not only demanding payment to unlock infected systems, but also demanding an additional payment. They're demanding an extra...

Ransomware Targets Company Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine

It's common knowledge that hackers are highly opportunistic and certainly not above targeting children, the sick and the dying if there's money to be made. Even so, attacking a drug company currently doing research to find a vaccine for COVID-19 has to be counted as a...

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