
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

Last week I witnessed the death of an old friend when Apple announced the iPhone 7. In case you hadn’t heard, the latest iteration of Apple’s all-in-one phone/music player/computer has eliminated the 3.5mm headphone jack, a long-present component on almost electronic...

Upgrading to the iPad Pro

My first Apple tablet was the iPad 2, and since then, my family and I have been steadily adding these tablets to our arsenal of technology. Now, each member of the family has their own iPad. When it comes time for an upgrade, we play musical chairs and the displaced...

Great New Games for Portable Devices

The last couple of months have brought us some great new games onto iOS devices.  I’ve been finding myself playing these during passing moments, while I watch TV, or whenever I can afford to waste a few minutes on a game.  I figured I’d share with you a few select...

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