
Stay tuned with the latest news about technology and cybersecurity.

Do you really need dark web monitoring?

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet. You can’t find it with Google. You need special software to access it. Criminals use the dark web for many bad things. If your data ends up there, you should be the first to know. This is where dark web monitoring...

Hackers Are Using DDOS Attacks To Profit Off Businesses

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDOS) have been used by hackers since the earliest days of the web. Get enough internet-connected devices to ping a server at the same time, and you can knock the server offline. Keep the pressure on and you can keep it offline,...

New Version Of Jupyter Malware Spotted In The Wild

Researchers from cybersecurity company Morphisec have recently discovered a new strain of malware they believe has been in the wild of the internet since at least May of this year (2020). Dubbed Jupyter, this strain is classed as an Info Stealer. It focuses on getting...

Cisco Data Center Manager Software Users Should Patch Immediately

Do you use Cisco's Data Center Manager Software? If so, be advised that the company recently issued an advisory concerning a serious security flaw. The advisory reads, in part, as follows: "The vulnerability exists because different installations share a static...

New Chromium Based Edge Browser Update From Windows 10

Microsoft has been talking for months about their new Edge browser based on Chromium technology. Users will finally be able to see it in action as of the KB4559309 Windows 10 update, which will replace the legacy Edge browser with the company's latest offering. It...

Microsoft’s Edge Browser To Release New Features

Microsoft recently re-reinvented its web browser. After finally giving up on bug-plagued Internet Explorer, the company introduced Microsoft Edge, which it hoped would take the internet community by storm. When that didn't happen, they re-introduced Edge, this time as...

Hackers Stopped With Help of Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit

Microsoft's Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) recently played an instrumental role in taking down a botnet made up of more than 400,000 devices. A botnet is a tool that hackers use to invade systems. The botnets were rented out to a variety of groups to conduct DDoS attacks,...

Private Twitter Files May Have Been Cached In Firefox

Are you a regular Twitter user? More specifically, are you a regular Twitter user who also prefers the Firefox web browser? If so, be advised that Twitter recently disclosed a new bug with potentially dire implications for you. Apparently, a flaw in the design of the...

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