Turbocharge Your Legal Practice With the Right Marketing Strategies

Attract more clients, build brand awareness, and achieve your legal marketing goals with Bayou Technologies tailored solutions.

Attorney hexagon shape

The Right Marketing Solution for Your Law Firm’s Needs

Improve Your Online Visibility and Be Found Before Your Competitors

Having a great-looking website is one piece of the digital marketing puzzle. Getting people to find your website is another big piece of that puzzle. With our SEO services, we can help get your website on the first page of Google: the place everyone starts looking for what they want.


Digital marketing clients who keep choosing us


SEO clients who have seen rankings improve

Search results Veron Bice
Programatic ad Lundy LLP

Advertising Solutions
Designed for Success

Elevate your firm’s visibility with a strategic blend of traditional paid media and online advertising. From billboard advertising to targeted social media campaigns, we harness the power of both worlds to maximize your reach and impact.


Strategic advertising locations in Lake Charles


Successful advertising campaigns

Comprehensive Marketing Services


Increase business revenue by advertising through the right media channels, online and traditional. 

Business Branding

A solid and consistent brand will make your business stand out from the competition. 

Website Development

Drive sales to your business; it all starts with a professional and attractive website design. 

Website Hosting

Host on our servers and enjoy security and speed for your website.

Search Engine Optimization

Let your potential customers find your business when they search online. 

Digital Presence Monitoring

Align your business listings across the internet and monitor reviews for online reputation.

Social Media Management

Engage existing and new customers with effective social media campaigns on the channels that matter. 

Promotional Items

Let your brand be represented with items that will help to bring customers to your door.

Client Success Stories

screencapture Lundy LLP website

What We Did

Our team worked on a comprehensive rebranding effort for Lundy LLP after their law firm’s name change. Our collaboration included a strategic overhaul of their online presence— from a visually appealing website design to crafting a new logo. We executed targeted advertising campaigns, delved into SEO strategies, and took charge of their social media management.

The Result

The collaboration brought tangible success metrics. Web traffic witnessed a notable uptick through organic search and increased social media engagement. Lundy LLP now holds top 3 positions on Google for key diabetes drugs claims-related keywords, cementing their online presence and broadening their reach within their specialized field.


What We Did

Our work with Veron Bice LLC comprised a comprehensive rebranding strategy, including a full website redesign and the development of a new logo. In addition, we executed targeted advertising campaigns, refined SEO strategies, and managed their social media presence, all with a focus on reinforcing Veron Bice LLC’s prominence in the specialized field of personal injury and environmental law.

The Result

Our collaborative efforts yielded tangible outcomes. Veron Bice LLC experienced a notable surge in web traffic, driven by both organic search and increased social media engagement. Notably, they now boast top 3 rankings on Google for critical keywords related to land and soil contamination, elevating their online presence and expanding their reach within their specialized legal niche. 

screencapture-fontenot & Shumaker

What We Did

Fontenot & Shumaker engaged Bayou Technologies in a comprehensive effort to build and enhance their brand presence. Our collaboration included crafting a new brand identity, encompassing a distinctive logo that resonated with their values. We undertook a complete overhaul of their website design, ensuring a modern and user-friendly interface. Our strategic focus extended to implementing SEO strategies and digital presence monitoring, along with effective social media management.


The Result

The collaborative initiatives bore significant fruit, resulting in a marked increase in Fontenot & Shumaker’s web traffic. This uptick was driven by enhanced organic search visibility and increased engagement on social media platforms. Furthermore, the firm garnered a series of five-star Google reviews, reflecting positively on their online reputation. Fontenot & Shumaker’s success story exemplifies the impact of a comprehensive digital strategy in not only increasing visibility but also fostering positive client feedback.