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Calibrate Your Home Theater With Your iPhone

Nowadays most everyone has a flat screen LCD, LED, or Plasma television. A good portion of you also probably own a home theater receiver, or at least a sound bar to augment the audio of whatever program you watch. Back in the day, getting the most out of your video...

21-Century Tax Filing

Every year a specific date tends to loom over almost every American citizen: April 15th.  For many, filing their income tax was a daunting task and they enlisted the help of agencies who charge a tidy fee, as any business should.  Now with technology available to...

Outsource Your iPhoto Library Management

Being an Apple user, one of the facts of life when using a Mac is organizing your photos with iPhoto.  Included with new Macs and part of the iLife suite of utilities, iPhoto allows users to easily organize and share photos, apply standard photo editing effects,...

Great New Games for Portable Devices

The last couple of months have brought us some great new games onto iOS devices.  I’ve been finding myself playing these during passing moments, while I watch TV, or whenever I can afford to waste a few minutes on a game.  I figured I’d share with you a few select...

Game Development in Southwest Louisiana

With the advent of the smartphone came apps to fill any and every need for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry users.  One of the most popular and successful arenas for apps is game development, with new ones being submitted for approval at a rate of over 100 per day.  On...

One Contacts App To Rule Them All

Back before the days of personal computers and smartphones, there used to be a paper contraption called an address book, an absolute necessity for anyone that had over ten contacts.  As technology marched on, our contacts were converted from pen and paper to zeros and...

Is Yahoo! Axis an Ally for Web Browsing?

By default, if you are browsing the web on an iPad or iPhone, you are using Safari, the Mac browser that inhabits the Apple realm.  Recently, an old name in Internet, Yahoo!, has released an app to give users a choice in their browser to use within iOS: Axis. This...

Be a Pinball Wizard

As a child of the 70’s and 80’s, I grew up alongside the evolution of the video game.  A precursor to the arcade cabinets that helped to swallow so much of my allowance, the pinball machine had been a fixture in bowling alleys and bar rooms long before the advent of...

A Few Bytes of Technology Updates

Every once in a while, I find the need to talk about some new developments and updates for products I’ve reviewed or topics I’ve discussed in previous articles.  Well, it’s about that time again. Back in July of last year, I reviewed an online music provider called...

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