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Enhance Your Photos With These Free Apps
I love taking pictures and while I enjoy the quality that my DSLR camera produces, I carry my iPhone everywhere and it is responsible for most of the photos I take. When I share a photo to social media, I typically post to Instagram, a Facebook-owned social network...
Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend
Last week I witnessed the death of an old friend when Apple announced the iPhone 7. In case you hadn’t heard, the latest iteration of Apple’s all-in-one phone/music player/computer has eliminated the 3.5mm headphone jack, a long-present component on almost electronic...
Realize Your Activity One Step at a Time
Being in IT, I work a fairly sedentary job. I sit behind a desk for most of the day hammering away on a keyboard and running fingers across a trackpad. Sure, my forearms are getting a workout, but I need to incorporate more movement in my daily routine. About a year...
Keep Your Memories In The Cloud
I take pictures every day. I’m no photographer, but having a really decent camera in my pocket all the time makes it very easy to capture some good photos. Cameras have become a fixture in our lives; almost everyone has a camera with them all the time in their pocket...
In Real Life with Social Media
As we adapt to the technology we carry in our pockets, many feel that our personal privacy is in peril. The availability of smart phones and the convenience that they bring to our lives has trumped the desire to stay “off the radar” for many. I fall into that...
Some More Updates on Technology Bytes…
It’s that time of year again where I take a look at some of my old articles and provide some updates on exciting new things that have taken place or are soon to come. The first in this round of updates reaches way back to last month when I wrote about Mailbox, the app...
Backing Up Your iPhone: A Good Idea
Being the owner of an Apple device comes with the reality that updates can be a stressful activity. I’ve spoken to many a person that had issues updating their device with the latest iOS release and having disastrous consequences. I, too, have experienced less than...
Great New Games for Portable Devices
The last couple of months have brought us some great new games onto iOS devices. I’ve been finding myself playing these during passing moments, while I watch TV, or whenever I can afford to waste a few minutes on a game. I figured I’d share with you a few select...
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